Membership & Eligibility Procedures
THURSDAY Membership & Eligibility Procedures
Membership Home Course Dues are $125 per year. This fee includes:
$89 Balboa Park Women's Golf Club membership
$36 Southern California Golf Association membership
Renewals and new memberships are now done electronically through the SCGA. If you are a new member or returning after a break, go to and click on the "JOIN" button on the menu bar. Type in "Balboa Park Women's Golf Club" in the Full Membership box, "Find A Club" and click on the search button to the right. Scroll down and you'll notice a lot of information about the club...and most importantly a "JOIN NOW" button. If you click the join button you'll be prompted through a series of steps to join the club.
Members who are renewing will receive an email from SCGA 60 days prior to the expiration of their current membership. The email includes a link that will take you directly to the renewal screen to verify information on file and pay for another year.
The system can handle different kinds of memberships. Thursday members may join the club at the annual rate of $125. If you are a Thursday member, and want to also play on Saturdays with our Weekenders group, you may include an extra $14 for the Saturday Sweeps.
WEEKENDER Membership & Eligibility Procedures
Membership Home Course Dues are $75 per year. This fee includes:
$39 Balboa Park Women's Golf Club membership
$36 Southern California Golf Association membership
THURSDAY Members may play in Weekender events for an additional $14 fee paid when they Join or Renew their THURSDAY membership
Renewals and new memberships are now done electronically through the SCGA. If you are a new member or returning after a break, go to and click on the "JOIN" button on the menu bar. Type in "Balboa Park Women's Golf Club" in the Full Membership box, "Find A Club" and click on the search button to the right. Scroll down and you'll notice a lot of information about the club...and most importantly a "JOIN NOW" button. If you click the join button you'll be prompted through a series of steps to join the club. For more information on Weekender events and membership, click the WEEKENDERS link above.
Green Fees
Green fees and cart rentals are paid directly to the Balboa Park Golf Course on the dates that you play. Residents with Resident cards receive preferred rates and may also be eligible for a Senior discount.
Beginning January 1, 2019, all players must produce a resident card in order to play at the Resident or Senior Rate. The Resident ID may be purchased or renewed at the link below or by downloading the City of San Diego Golf app to your phone or tablet.
Link to Puchase or Renew City Resident Card
We welcome all prospective members to our club. For your enjoyment and that of your playing partners, we highly suggest that you have a basic knowledge of the Rules of Golf and that you have played at least a few rounds on the Balboa Park 18 hole course before joining the 18-hole Balboa Park Women's Golf Club. While we do not have a handicap limit for members, we recommend that you have demonstrated an ability to score no higher than 135 on the course. This is necessary to maintain the pace of play that the City requires (maximum 4 hour 30 minute round). If you cannot yet score in this range, please consider joining the 9-hole group that plays on Fridays, or the Mission Bay Women's Golf Club, which plays on the 18 hole par 3 course on Wednesdays.
Members must have an established Handicap Index to be eligible for Sweeps prizes. If you do not already have a GHIN handicap, we will help you to establish one. Once you have posted a total of 54 holes, you'll have a Handicap Index, per the World Handicap System, and be eligible to compete in club Sweeps. The annual President's Cup and Club Championships also have a required number of rounds played in the same calendar year with the club.